
Gyeongbokgung is a station on Line 3 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Gyeongbokgung
Korean 경복궁
Located on Line 3
Code 327

Map of Gyeongbokgung

Tips near Gyeongbokgung

Exit 5 for Gyeongbokgung (palace)


Apr 23, 2012

First train/Last train

Photos near Gyeongbokgung

Copyright: stevecallahan5353

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  • 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行
  • 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行
  • 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行
  • 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行 2014暑期韓國首爾5天4夜旅行

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