
Eungbong is a station on Gyeongui-Jungang Line of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Eungbong
Korean 응봉
Located on Gyeongui-Jungang Line
Code K115

Map of Eungbong

First train/Last train

Photos near Eungbong


Copyright: racreations

  • DSC_4825 DSC_4825
  • Staying with a friendly host family Staying with a friendly host family
  • Neighbourhood Neighbourhood
  • KakaoTalk_20220430_102144055 KakaoTalk_20220430_102144055
  • KakaoTalk_20220430_102144055_01 KakaoTalk_20220430_102144055_01
  • scenaries 201809 scenaries 201809
  • scenaries 201809 scenaries 201809
  • The Hive The Hive
  • Sunset Sunset
  • upload upload
  • 중랑천자전거길 중랑천자전거길
  • 중랑천자전거길 중랑천자전거길
  • 중랑천자전거길 중랑천자전거길

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