
Yongdu is a station on Line 2 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Yongdu
Korean 용두
Located on Line 2
Code 211-3

Map of Yongdu

Tips near Yongdu

Just North of the East end of Cheoggyecheon (stream)


Apr 23, 2012

First train/Last train

Photos near Yongdu

Oriental Turtle Dove - Resident- Common

Oriental Turtle Dove - Resident- Common
Copyright: Rob&Joan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • Oriental Turtle Dove - Resident- Common Oriental Turtle Dove - Resident- Common
  • Little Grebe - Resident- common Little Grebe - Resident- common
  • Mallard - Winter visitor/ abundant, Resident/ common Mallard - Winter visitor/ abundant, Resident/ common
  • Cheonggyecheon Water Cheonggyecheon Water
  • 已失控在Homeplus 已失控在Homeplus
  • seoul seoul
  • IMG_9399 IMG_9399
  • Common Merganser (Male) - winter visitor Common Merganser (Male) - winter visitor
  • scenaries 201809 scenaries 201809
  • scenaries 201809 scenaries 201809
  • 20161030_160206 20161030_160206
  • MQ3A3757 MQ3A3757
  • Taipei 2014 Taipei 2014
  • Elevated highway above Cheonggyecheon Elevated highway above Cheonggyecheon
  • Overhead Overhead
  • IMAG2642 IMAG2642
  • IMAGE_188.jpg IMAGE_188.jpg
  • IMAGE_187.jpg IMAGE_187.jpg
  • autumn autumn
  • twilight twilight
  • DSCN7480 DSCN7480
  • IMG_9401 IMG_9401
  • IMG_9400 IMG_9400
  • IMG_9397 IMG_9397
  • IMG_9396 IMG_9396
  • IMG_9395 IMG_9395
  • IMG_9373 IMG_9373
  • IMG_9372 IMG_9372

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.