
Samseong is a station on Line 2 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Samseong
Korean 삼성
Located on Line 2
Code 219

Map of Samseong

Tips near Samseong

Coex mall


Jan 19, 2015

Bongeunsa Temple, Exit 6, Go 600m and turn left


Mar 16, 2015

seran eye center


Jan 7, 2016

COEX conference center

Tourist business

Sep 24, 2019

Take Exit 6 for COEX Mall which features the COEX Mall Starfield Library and COEX Aquarium

David Kim

Oct 21, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Samseong

Copyright: stevecallahan5353

  • IMG_3747 IMG_3747
  • COEX Library 6 COEX Library 6
  • COEX Library 7 COEX Library 7
  • COEX Library 5 COEX Library 5
  • COEX Library 4 COEX Library 4
  • COEX Library 3 COEX Library 3
  • COEX Library 1 COEX Library 1
  • COEX Library 2 COEX Library 2
  • COEX 2 COEX 2
  • COEX 1 COEX 1
  • Seoul Seoul
  • Japon Japon
  • Japon Japon
  • Japon Japon
  • Japon Japon
  • Japon Japon
  • Japon Japon

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.