
Jegi-dong is a station on Line 1 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Jegi-dong
Korean 제기동
Located on Line 1
Code 125

Map of Jegi-dong

First train/Last train

Photos near Jegi-dong

Gyeongdong Market, Seoul, South Korea

Gyeongdong Market, Seoul, South Korea
Copyright: Jordan Barab

  • Gyeongdong Market, Seoul, South Korea Gyeongdong Market, Seoul, South Korea
  • Gyeongdong Market, Seoul, South Korea Gyeongdong Market, Seoul, South Korea
  • IMG_9868 IMG_9868
  • IMG_9863 IMG_9863
  • IMG_9865 IMG_9865
  • IMG_9866 IMG_9866
  • IMG_9867 IMG_9867
  • 한솔동의보감. 구 미도파 청량리 한솔동의보감. 구 미도파 청량리
  • 2018082910h26m38 2018082910h26m38
  • Some where in Seoul Some where in Seoul
  • IMG_7367 IMG_7367
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  • 20161030_162615 20161030_162615
  • 20161030_160733 20161030_160733
  • 20161030_155941 20161030_155941

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.