
Hoehyeon is a station on Line 4 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Hoehyeon
Korean 회현
Located on Line 4
Code 425

Map of Hoehyeon

Tips near Hoehyeon

Namdaemun market: oldest traditional market in Korea


Apr 23, 2012

N Four seasons hotel exit 1 (need a short walk on the hill)


May 19, 2014

optics shop


May 16, 2015

First train/Last train

Photos near Hoehyeon

Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun)

Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun)
Copyright: zug55 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun) Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun)
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Market Seoul: Namdaemun Market
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Market Seoul: Namdaemun Market
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Market Seoul: Namdaemun Market
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Market Seoul: Namdaemun Market
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Market Seoul: Namdaemun Market
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun) Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun)
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun) Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun)
  • Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun) Seoul: Namdaemun Gate (Sungnyemun)
  • Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone! Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone!
  • Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone! Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone!
  • Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone! Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone!
  • Rainy Saturday in the Namdaemun Market Rainy Saturday in the Namdaemun Market
  • Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone! Pociąg, metro, autobusy i spacery zaliczone!
  • Wieża Namsam! Wieża Namsam!
  • Wieża Namsam! Wieża Namsam!
  • Wieża Namsam! Wieża Namsam!
  • IMG_4859 IMG_4859
  • Old city gate downtown. Old city gate downtown.
  • Downtown Seoul Downtown Seoul
  • Downtown Seoul Downtown Seoul
  • Seoul – 15 september 2018 Seoul – 15 september 2018
  • Seoul – 15 september 2018 Seoul – 15 september 2018
  • Seoul – 15 september 2018 Seoul – 15 september 2018

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.