
Gwangmyeong is a station on Line 1 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Gwangmyeong
Korean 광명
Located on Line 1
Code K410

Map of Gwangmyeong

First train/Last train

Photos near Gwangmyeong

Gwangmyeong Bus 12

Gwangmyeong Bus 12
Copyright: Korea rail fanner

  • Gwangmyeong Bus 12 Gwangmyeong Bus 12
  • _MG_0034 _MG_0034
  • 광명셔틀 광명셔틀
  • _MG_0021 _MG_0021
  • Flower Flower
  • 22.11.12 (155) 22.11.12 (155)
  • 22.11.12 (157) 22.11.12 (157)
  • 22.11.12 (154) 22.11.12 (154)
  • 22.11.12 (147) 22.11.12 (147)
  • 22.11.12 (148) 22.11.12 (148)
  • 22.11.12 (150) 22.11.12 (150)
  • 22.11.12 (151) 22.11.12 (151)
  • 22.11.12 (152) 22.11.12 (152)
  • 22.11.12 (153) 22.11.12 (153)
  • 22.11.12 (145) 22.11.12 (145)
  • 22.11.12 (144) 22.11.12 (144)

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.