
Gangbyeon is a station on Line 2 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Gangbyeon
Korean 강변
Located on Line 2
Code 214

Map of Gangbyeon

Tips near Gangbyeon

techno mart


Oct 2, 2014

Stop here for Dong Seoul Bus Terminal.


Oct 4, 2016

First train/Last train

Photos near Gangbyeon

Copyright: filiz.terziler

  • P1440405 P1440405
  • P1440428 P1440428
  • Golden Tower Golden Tower
  • Lotte Tower, Seoul Lotte Tower, Seoul
  • Jamsil-dong at Blue hour Jamsil-dong at Blue hour
  • IMG_9551 IMG_9551
  • Seoul city skyline Seoul city skyline
  • Seoul Panorama Seoul Panorama
  • 20200328_005420 20200328_005420
  • Long Light Long Light
  • 20170902_155713 20170902_155713
  • 20200328_002520 20200328_002520
  • Morning Morning
  • Head Down Head Down
  • Selfie Selfie
  • Little Store Little Store
  • Twilight sunset at Han river Twilight sunset at Han river
  • Seoul Seoul
  • Seoul Seoul
  • Twilight sunset at Han river Twilight sunset at Han river
  • Apartment Block Mountain Range Apartment Block Mountain Range
  • Seoul Seoul
  • Seoul Seoul
  • 20171026_190311 20171026_190311
  • Twilight sunset at Han river Twilight sunset at Han river
  • Seoul city skyline Seoul city skyline
  • Seoul city skyline Seoul city skyline
  • 2018-10-27 11.04.06 1 2018-10-27 11.04.06 1

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.