
Chungjeongno is a station on Line 2 and Line 5 of the Seoul Subway. For more details view the Explore Seoul interactive Subway map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Chungjeongno
Korean 충정로
Located on Line 2 and Line 5
Code 243,531

Map of Chungjeongno

Tips near Chungjeongno



Jul 25, 2014

킽닏닏ㅈㅈ 빙시리ㄷㄷ


Aug 8, 2014

First train/Last train

Photos near Chungjeongno

230525 Seoul 17

230525 Seoul 17
Copyright: Brilliant Bry *

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  • The Chungjeong Apartments. Lotta history here, the first modern apartment building in Korea. The Chungjeong Apartments. Lotta history here, the first modern apartment building in Korea.
  • Visited Korea's first apartment building, the Chungjeong Apartment building, built during the Japanese occupation period in the 1930s. The basement was also the site of the massacre of Korean civilians by North Korean soldiers during the Korean War. Talk Visited Korea's first apartment building, the Chungjeong Apartment building, built during the Japanese occupation period in the 1930s. The basement was also the site of the massacre of Korean civilians by North Korean soldiers during the Korean War. Talk
  • 슈크림라떼 奶油泡芙拿鐵  為了找一家沒人也沒去過的星巴克,大概走了兩萬步.... 原本只是三月限定販售的飲品,因爆炸夯的銷售量,延長販售。  泡芙奶油充滿著豐富濃郁的香草香味,卻不甜膩,鵝黃色的奶油裡還能看見香草籽真材實料。  不喝冰不喝甜的我,也折服於這杯咖啡了。 슈크림라떼 奶油泡芙拿鐵 為了找一家沒人也沒去過的星巴克,大概走了兩萬步.... 原本只是三月限定販售的飲品,因爆炸夯的銷售量,延長販售。 泡芙奶油充滿著豐富濃郁的香草香味,卻不甜膩,鵝黃色的奶油裡還能看見香草籽真材實料。 不喝冰不喝甜的我,也折服於這杯咖啡了。
  • 043 043
  • #오늘의커피 #오늘의커피

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